Saturday, December 15, 2007

Create Your Tomorrow Today

Hello, I'm Mike Denton AKA "The Why Guy" in Seabrook, Texas.

Thank you for stopping by my blogspot post. I appreciate and respect your time. If you got to this page, and you're anything like me, you know that the 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. grind of the 'Sales Jungle' and of the 'Trading Time For Money Job World' can be the path to high stress levels and endless headaches.

The collapse of the sub-prime lending and mortgage markets have caused many of my homebuyer's to encounter challenges in securing financing for their home purchases. When this began to happen, I came to the realization that what I needed to do was to begin looking at new ways of diversifying my career portfolio and creating multiple streams of income.

After an intensive search of the web, what I've come across is simple and easy to use, yet powerful..

What I've found is a new "Rejection Free" Lead Generation System using Web2.0 Technologies and the Social Networking websites. I'm successfully using websites such as PCTV, MySpace, Squidoo, Facebook and YouTube to attract high-quality like-minded people who are finding me and contacting me, instead of me chasing them.

That's why I’m now passionate about teaching others the importance of regaining control of their own financial future. I teach others how to move forward in their lives and in their businesses without bugging friends and family. I show people how to avoid becoming a part of the NFL trilogy: No Friends Left, No Family Left and No Finances Left.

You probably already know something about the business world and the way it works and you know deep down that there is a Plan “B” for your life: A way to have more money and more time with your family and friends and build huge massive networks of sharp, coach-able and success driven people.

You are here for answers. I will assist you with answers to the questions that you have. I will share with you tools and solutions to give you the results that you desire. I will do all of this absolutely *FREE*, at no cost to you.

My coaching and mentoring can work for you because it can the facilitate the change from chasing people down all the time to having new "laser-focused" individuals and prospects contacting you. Ultimately, these newfound people can be introduced to your friendship and/or your business opportunity.

All it takes is two things: 1) that there be a gap between where you are and where you want to be, and 2) your willingness to take action in order to get what you want.

As a personal and business coach, I work with people to help them move from where they are now to where they want to be in their personal lives, their careers, their sales and their businesses. We have coached countless business owners, start-ups, managers, real estate agents, sales people and other professionals.

Where are you at now with your present job, sales position, or distributorship?

What would you like to improve, change, build or stop?

Why are you doing what you are doing?

It doesn’t matter whether you consider it personal or business…it is, in the final analysis, personal. It is you....and when you think about it, isn’t that great? Because only you, through the choices you make, have the power to bring about your own success and happiness.

Who is Mike Denton AKA "The Why Guy?"

I assist individuals to dramatically grow their capabilities and traditional 'Sales Businesses' and 'Direct Sales Networks' through a powerful process called Web2.0 and Social Networking. I’m looking for individuals that have a desire to leverage themselves through the power of the NET.

I'm a Real Estate Agent of 15 years and Web2.0 Online Entrepreneur. At my last position, I increased sales in my division by over 50% in one quarter and usually close as many as 20 transactions each and every month.

I'm currently building multiple streams of income and have experience in most areas of running a business, including web design, strategic planning, marketing, sales, online business development, partnerships and alliances.

I'm looking for sharp individuals as friends. I'm attracting people who are interested in expanding their traditional sales jobs or building multiple streams of income through our proven Web2.0 Secrets and Strategies.

I encourage you to add "The Why Guy" as your friend, drop me a line by chat at Yahoo IM, MSN IM , Google Mai IM, AOL IM, Myspace IM, Skype IM or scribe a quick "Hello, I'm ___ , email, watch my videos or give me a call my cell at 281-686-7098 or Skype me at mike.e.denton1 ( Use Skype 1st if you have it installed.)

What Is Your Biggest Personal or Marketing Challenge?
Let me know.

Who I'd like to meet:

*If you're sharp, bright, friendly, and ambitious... You'll earn some high points. Let's be friends, give me a friend request.

If you have a highly-motivated entrepreneurial spirit and you just need the right opportunity to make it *BIG*or the right marketing skills that can make you great in any personal relationship or business... You get a thumbs up.

If you are the kind of person who is a pioneer, a mover or a shaker, and who enjoys a challenge...You have my attention.

If you're a self starter and you're ready to learn how to use PCTV, MySpace, YouTube, and many other Web2.0 Techniques to attract leads and like minded people to you... Come on.

If you want to learn more about me, watch my videos to see if there might be a match with what I am doing.


Your Friend and Business Associate,

Mike Denton
AKA The Why Guy
Seabrook, TX, USA

"Milestone design and success strategies with Web2.0"

Contact Information

My Available hours: CST zone M-F: 7:30 am 10:30 pm Mon to
Sat: 10 am - 9 pm and Sun: 12 pm to 9 pm


cell phone: 281-686-7098 (US)

Skype IM: mike.e.denton1

Yahoo IM: thewhyguy4u

Meet me here here on MySpace

Back To Prosperity Cast TV Profile

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